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Motivated to Practice Each Day

By Ken, October 6, 2010


Dear Holy Ziguang Shang Shi and WPHO,

I recently attended the free 3 day introductory course given by Holy Ziguang Shang Shi. I would like to again thank him for the instruction and the blessing which he bestowed upon us. Also thanks to all the kind preachers who assisted us.
I have been motivated to practice my cultivation each day and would like take advantage of the opportunity to be in the presence of the Master by attending the 3 day Health Dharma Course October 14-16. My intention is to increase understanding of the Dharma to cultivate wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all people.

Finally I would like to mention that I am a carpenter/contractor with many tools and skills for the construction and repair of both residential and commercial properties. Possibly I can be of some service to you in the months and years to come.


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