In the dharma vanishing era, the nature is unpredictable; war and plague arise everywhere. Every human being is longing for world peace, stable society and good health. We, the World Peace and Health Organization, for the promotion of world peace and human health, hereby define our charters.
The purposes of World Peace and Health Organization are to devote to the development of world peace and human health, eliminating war, evil, plague and disease. Many non-governmental organizations gathered in New York to sign the declaration and charter of our organization, and founded this international organization named World Peace and Health Organization.
World peace is the hope of all human beings. The prosperity of a country basically depends on the physical, mental and spiritual health of its people. Freedom and good health of human beings are the fundamentals of a stable society as well as the requirements of a peaceful world .
“Health and peace” are the common wishes for every person. They are also the wishes for every organization, government and religion. For this reason, we dedicate to realize them for all human beings. We define our charters as the followings:
Part 1 – Principles of the value of human health, social stability and world peace 
Part 2 – The contribution and obligation of a country to world peace and human health 
Part 3 – The right and obligation of human beings on world peace and health 
Part 4 – The objectives of World Peace and Health Organization 
Part 5 – The crisis of natural disasters, war and plague that are endangering the world 
Part 6 – World Peace and Health Organization's plan of saving the world 
Part 7 – The principal constituents of World Peace and Health Organization 