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Total Dedication

By Dayan Arise, August 8, 2010


To Holy Ziguang Shang Shi,

Thank you. It is beyond words how grateful I am for your grace. You have open up my eyes, ears, and heart dramatically. Thank you.

My hope is dedicated to the ultimate truth and spreading that to others. Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma is the highest and most effective way of accomplishing wisdom and helping others. In short, this is a perfect marriage for me.

I will do what you are supposed to do with any power that is given to me to help liberate others, like every other Buddha has done.

I will offer my body, speech and mind, my total dedication and absolute commitment, also eternal gratitude to all the Buddhas, of all time and all direction. I will strive to be the best I can be, under Holy Ziguang Shang Shi that all I love to give.

Dayan Arise

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